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Post Your Config Here!

60 posters

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1Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Post Your Config Here! Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:08 am


Quake Live Member
Quake Live Member

First topic message reminder :

For any of you who are new to quake 3 in general, or just may wanna try to tweak a few things feel free to post it here and I'll try to help you out, and I'm sure your clanmates will try also.

If you don't know how to post your config, it's not too hard

Here's what you do:

go to you quake 3 baseq3 folder

open the folder

locate the config titled "q3config"

open this file with either wordpad or notepad (preferably wordpad because it has word wrap functions instead of one jumbled pile of words)

once opened, copy the whole file and paste it here with a reply

Also, feel free to make specific requests like "I'd like my enemies to stick out more" or something to that extent

One last thing, there's a few things ALL player configs should have (assuming you have a high speed isp)

rate should be at 25000

snaps should be at 100

maxpackets are 30 by default, but most favor anywhere from 65-100 (I've just decided to use 30 personally although I used to use 100 for quite a while...)

maxpackets should be set to no lower than 30, otherwise you cause yourself to appear laggy to your opponent and in turn give yourself an unfair advantage, if you use Noghost Cgame it wont allow you to set it below this number regardless Wink

Lastly, be sure to edit out all rcon/ref passwords (i have a habit of forgettin this lol..)

51Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:25 am



Only reason I use snaps @ 20 is our servers. I ping 0 with anyother setting. I have never had anyone say i appeared laggy or any other problems at the 10 or so servers I have played at. If it was a problem, i would gladly change it.


52Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:04 pm


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

I have troubles with my sensitivity =/
I used to use 9 with ball mouse, i was pretty good
But now I use 15 with laser mouse (crappy laser mouse) and i suck....
but I can turn around so fast now but im super off aim =(
anyone got a sen i should try?
also what does mouseaccel do? cause i was thinking maybe doing 9 sen laser with like a bit of mouseaccel, but i have no idea how that works

53Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:40 pm



try going back to 10 with your lazer mouse!

54Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:59 pm


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

nvm Razz ur advice was a few min too late Razz my laser mouse stopped working a min ago and im back with ball mouse =/ but its definitely too slow Sad someone tell me what mouse accel do? How long it takes to kick in and by how much
edit my mouse is a logitech M-s34 from very long ago...maybe 10 years ago or something =/

55Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:12 pm


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

hey reap!!! wat commands do i have to type in to have those kind of graphics??
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtylIErZ2Bs silent


56Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:18 pm


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

you mean r_picmip 10000000000000000000000? lol!

57Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:35 pm


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

rofl stfu with ur picmip 10000000000000 Razz lol! lol! lol!


58Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:48 am


I Just got here!

i like every thing except my mouse is a little sluggish and not as fast as i would like. if you could help me with that, id be quite grateful even though im not pwp yet! 'Very Happy'

// generated by quake, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ENTER "+button2"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind ' "name PAUSE"
bind + "sizeup"
bind - "sizedown"
bind 0 "rcon unpause"
bind 1 "weapon 1"
bind 2 "weapon 2"
bind 3 "weapon 3"
bind 4 "weapon 4"
bind 5 "weapon 5"
bind 6 "weapon 6"
bind 7 "weapon 7"
bind 8 "weapon 8"
bind 9 "weapon 9"
bind [ "+left"
bind ] "+right"
bind _ "sizedown"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind b "say : ("
bind c "+movedown"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "weapnext"
bind f "+button2"
bind g "+button3"
bind i "messagemode4 "
bind k "name pause"
bind o "say MOO Shaka Laka! : )"
bind q "weapprev"
bind r "messagemode"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode2"
bind u "messagemode4"
bind v "say : )"
bind w "+forward"
bind x "+hook"
bind y "messagemode3"
bind z "+strafe"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind BACKSPACE "centerview"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"
bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"
bind ALT "+strafe"
bind CTRL "+speed"
bind SHIFT "+strafe"
bind DEL "+lookdown"
bind PGDN "+lookup"
bind END "centerview"
bind F1 "say Hello"
bind F2 "say ^2llaaagggg"
bind F3 "say ^1L^2O^3L!"
bind F4 "say Nice Shot!"
bind F5 "say G00D GAME!"
bind F6 "say What?"
bind F7 "say ^4yes"
bind F8 "say ^1no"
bind F9 "say PWNAGE"
bind F10 "say WOW!"
bind F11 "say unbelievable"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+zoom"
bind MOUSE3 "+zoom"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"
seta ui_browserShowEmpty "1"
seta ui_browserShowFull "1"
seta ui_browserSortKey "0"
seta ui_browserGameType "0"
seta ui_browserMaster "2"
seta s_compression "0"
seta cl_allowDownload "1"
seta cl_freelook "1"
seta sv_maxPing "0"
seta sv_minPing "0"
seta com_hunkMegs "56"
seta cm_playerCurveClip "1"
seta cg_crosshairColor "7"
seta cg_enemyColors "2222"
seta cg_enemyModel "keel/nms"
seta cg_freezetag_iceShell "1"
seta cg_chatSound "1"
seta cg_delag_optimizePrediction "1"
seta cg_delag_projectileNudge "0"
seta cg_delag_cmdTimeNudge "0"
seta cg_delag "1"
seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "1"
seta cg_deferPlayers "1"
seta cg_forceModel "0"
seta cg_teamChatHeight "0"
seta cg_teamChatTime "3000"
seta cg_bobroll "0.002"
seta cg_bobpitch "0.002"
seta cg_bobup "0.005"
seta cg_runroll "0.005"
seta cg_runpitch "0.002"
seta cg_railTrailTime "400"
seta cg_lagometer "1"
seta cg_simpleItems "0"
seta cg_crosshairY "0"
seta cg_crosshairX "0"
seta cg_crosshairHealth "0"
seta cg_crosshairSize "20"
seta cg_drawRewards "1"
seta cg_drawAttacker "1"
seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "1"
seta cg_drawIcons "1"
seta cg_draw3dIcons "1"
seta cg_drawSnapshot "0"
seta cg_drawFPS "0"
seta cg_drawTimer "0"
seta cg_drawStatus "1"
seta cg_draw2D "1"
seta cg_gibs "1"
seta cg_stereoSeparation "0.4"
seta cg_fov "120"
seta cg_zoomfov "22.5"
seta cg_drawGun "1"
seta cl_timeNudge "0"
seta server16 ""
seta server15 ""
seta server14 ""
seta server13 ""
seta server12 ""
seta server11 ""
seta server10 ""
seta server9 ""
seta server8 ""
seta server7 ""
seta server6 ""
seta server5 ""
seta server4 ""
seta server3 ""
seta server2 ""
seta server1 ""
seta com_maxfps "125"
seta com_blood "1"
seta com_introplayed "1"
seta in_midi "0"
seta in_midiport "1"
seta in_midichannel "1"
seta in_mididevice "0"
seta in_mouse "1"
seta in_joystick "0"
seta in_joyBallScale "0.02"
seta joy_threshold "0.150000"
seta vm_cgame "0"
seta vm_game "0"
seta vm_ui "0"
seta dmflags "0"
seta fraglimit "50"
seta timelimit "20"
seta sv_hostname "aaaaa"
seta sv_maxclients "8"
seta sv_maxRate "0"
seta sv_floodProtect "1"
seta cl_yawspeed "140"
seta cl_pitchspeed "140"
seta cl_maxpackets "100"
seta cl_packetdup "1"
seta cl_run "1"
seta sensitivity "15"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
seta cg_autoswitch "0"
seta m_pitch "0.022000"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_forward "5"
seta m_side "5"
seta m_filter "0"
seta cl_maxPing "800"
seta name "^0>^5R3V0LUT10N^0<"
seta rate "25000"
seta snaps "40"
seta model "doom/hephaistos"
seta color "3"
seta handicap "100"
seta sex "male"
seta cg_predictItems "1"
seta cg_viewsize "100"
seta net_noudp "0"
seta net_noipx "0"
seta net_socksEnabled "0"
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta r_glDriver "opengl32"
seta r_allowExtensions "1"
seta r_ext_compress_textures "1"
seta r_ext_gamma_control "1"
seta r_ext_multitexture "1"
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1"
seta r_picmip "9"
seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
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seta r_colorbits "0"
seta r_stereo "0"
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seta r_ignoreFastPath "1"
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seta r_lodbias "0"
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seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
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seta r_gamma "1.362500"
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seta r_railWidth "5"
seta r_railCoreWidth "1"
seta r_railSegmentLength "30"
seta r_primitives "0"
seta cg_shadows "0"
seta r_lastValidRenderer "Intel 965/963 Graphics Media Accelerator"
seta vid_xpos "0"
seta vid_ypos "6"
seta s_volume "0.100000"
seta s_musicvolume "0.112500"
seta s_separation "0.5"
seta s_khz "22"
seta s_loadas8bit "0"
seta s_mixahead "0.2"
seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"
seta s_rolloff "1.0"
seta s_doppler "1.0"
seta s_distance "100.0"
seta s_min_distance "3.0"
seta s_max_distance "1000.0"
seta s_leafnum "0"
seta s_refgain "0.45"
seta s_refdelay "2.0"
seta s_polykeep "1000000000"
seta s_polysize "10000000"
seta s_polyreflectsize "10000000"
seta s_numpolys "400"
seta s_bloat "2.0"
seta s_occfactor "0.5"
seta s_occ_eq "0.75"
seta ui_ffa_fraglimit "25"
seta ui_ffa_timelimit "10"
seta ui_tourney_fraglimit "10"
seta ui_tourney_timelimit "0"
seta ui_team_fraglimit "50"
seta ui_team_timelimit "20"
seta ui_team_friendly "1"
seta ui_ctf_capturelimit "8"
seta ui_ctf_timelimit "30"
seta ui_ctf_friendly "1"
seta g_spScores1 "\l4\1\l5\1\l2\1\l1\1"
seta g_spScores2 "\l1\2"
seta g_spScores3 "\l4\2\l3\1\l24\1\l0\1\l1\2"
seta g_spScores4 "\l5\1"
seta g_spScores5 "\l4\3\l5\1\l2\1\l3\1\l24\2"
seta g_spAwards "\a5\1002\a4\1061\a3\1011\a0\1004\a2\1001\a1\1000"
seta g_spVideos "tier3\1\tier2\1\tier1\1"
seta g_spSkill "1"
seta ui_master "2"
seta cg_brassTime "1250"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "8"
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
seta cg_marks "1"
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""
seta net_socksServer ""
seta net_socksUsername ""
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta capturelimit "0"
seta g_friendlyfire "1"
seta g_maxGameClients "0"
seta g_warmup "30"
seta g_log "games.log"
seta g_logSync "0"
seta g_teamAutoJoin "0"
seta g_teamForceBalance "0"
seta g_doWarmup "0"
seta g_banIPs ""
seta g_filterBan "1"
seta cg_railTrail "1"
seta cg_trueLightning "0.1"
seta cg_enemyColor ""
seta cg_teamColor ""
seta cg_specEnemyModel "1"
seta cg_cpmaHud "0"
seta cg_drawAcc "1"
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0"
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seta cg_drawSpeed "1"
seta cg_drawSpeedBar "1"
seta cg_enableBreath "1"
seta cg_scoreboardType "1"
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seta cg_autoRecord "0"
seta cg_thawSoundType "0"
seta cg_iceShells "1"
seta cg_teamInfoType "2"
seta cg_noChatBeep "0"
seta cg_autoAnnounce "0"
seta cg_noFriendShader "0"
seta cg_noConnectionShader "0"
seta cg_chatMode "0"
seta cg_noProjectileTrail "0"
seta cg_scorePlum "1"
seta cg_teamColorWeapons "0"
seta cg_specialEffects "3"

btw, im laws friend if u didnt know OK?
btw part 2, im not a chick, my avatars kiera knightley cuz shes hot and i wanna look at her every time im on my pc! Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 674276 I love you

59Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:22 pm


Quake Live Member
Quake Live Member


you just want your mouse to move faster..

you can try 1 of 3 things:

1) try increasing your seta sensitivity "15" to something like 17 or 18

2) instead of increasing your sensitivity try increasing these TWO commands:

seta m_pitch "0.022000"
seta m_yaw "0.022"

these are advanced sensitivity commands, one is for up and down the other is for side to side

try somethin like 0.04 or .0.05 for each and see if that does the trick

3) do a combination of 1 and 2 and increase all 3 if you really feel you need to

I'd suggest trying #2 first though..


60Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:41 pm


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

any adwise for me??? Sad


61Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:05 pm


I Just got here!

THANK YOU!Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 682389 i set the pitch and yaw to .04 and tested it out on some bots, and i pwned!!! so thanks again and you are this cool-->Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Icon_rr

62Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:04 am


Quake Live Member
Quake Live Member

h00ligan wrote:any adwise for me??? Sad

ah, i keep forgettin to check that out when im home

youtube is blocked at work lol...

hopefully i can remember to give it a look when i get home today

63Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:52 am


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

ok thanks Smile


64Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:10 pm


Quake Live Member
Quake Live Member

that config in the vid looks pretty much the same as the one i made for Tad, it's either posted here or maybe you can ask him for it?

i don't keep notes of what i do to people's configs lol

65Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:49 pm


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

thanks...and 1 more thing xD

in pure servers...whenever the map restarts it kicks me Sad and it happens everytime and idk if sumthing is wrogn with my config or wat? confused


66Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:03 am


Quake Live Member
Quake Live Member

never had that issue...

only thing i can tell ya to see if it's your config is copy and pasts your config somewhere safe and restore to defaults and see if it stops

if it stops compare your config to the default config and do a process of elimination to determine the cause

67Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:02 am


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

i got it Laughing Laughing

my quake wasint updated to 1.16...it was at 1.11....

shit i'm dumm :elmo: :elmo: :elmo:


68Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:34 pm


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

c0mb1ne wrote:// generated by quake, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind SPACE "+speed"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind f "+zoom"
bind g "+button3"
bind k "kill"
bind o "say ^7I wear SHORT SHORTS!!!"
bind p "say ^7Who wears SHORT SHORTS..."
bind q "+button2"
bind r "messagemode2"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind w "+forward"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+left"
bind RIGHTARROW "+right"
bind F1 "name c^20^7mb^21^7ne"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
bind MOUSE3 "+movedown"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapon 1"
bind MWHEELUP "weapon 7"
seta q3_wall "1"
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seta server15 ""
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seta r_customwidth "1919"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_ignorehwgamma "0"
seta r_overBrightBits "1"
seta r_depthbits "0"
seta r_stencilbits "8"
seta r_stereo "0"
seta r_colorbits "0"
seta r_texturebits "0"
seta r_detailtextures "1"
seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
seta r_picmip "10"
seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1"
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
seta r_ext_multitexture "1"
seta r_ext_gamma_control "1"
seta r_ext_compress_textures "1"
seta r_allowExtensions "1"
seta r_glDriver "opengl32"
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta net_socksUsername ""
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_socksServer ""
seta net_socksEnabled "0"
seta net_noipx "0"
seta net_noudp "0"
seta cg_viewsize "100"
seta cg_predictItems "1"
seta sex "male"
seta handicap "100"
seta color "4"
seta model "klesk"
seta snaps "30"
seta rate "25000"
seta name "^3*^2p^7W^2p^3*^7c^20^7mb^21^7ne^3*^2T^3*"
seta cl_maxPing "800"
seta m_filter "1"
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.022000"
seta cg_autoswitch "1"
seta cl_allowDownload "1"
seta cl_freelook "1"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
seta sensitivity "5"
seta cl_run "1"
seta cl_packetdup "1"
seta cl_maxpackets "100"
seta cl_pitchspeed "140"
seta cl_yawspeed "140"
seta cl_timeNudge "0"
seta sv_master5 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_floodProtect "1"
seta sv_maxPing "0"
seta sv_minPing "0"
seta sv_maxRate "0"
seta sv_maxclients "8"
seta sv_hostname "noname"
seta timelimit "20"
seta fraglimit "0"
seta dmflags "0"
seta vm_ui "0"
seta vm_game "0"
seta vm_cgame "0"
seta joy_threshold "0.150000"
seta in_joyBallScale "0.02"
seta in_joystick "0"
seta in_mouse "1"
seta in_mididevice "0"
seta in_midichannel "1"
seta in_midiport "1"
seta in_midi "0"
seta com_introplayed "1"
seta com_blood "0"
seta com_maxfps "125"
seta com_hunkMegs "512"

pretty basic... lower com_hunkmegs and com_maxfps if you have a low end pc..

Look what hoo found Surprised!

Heard it's a hack command from a recent eRa thread.

69Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:32 pm



heres my config, hopefully it's not as f'ed up as i think. For some reason i can't strafe jump well, i dunno if its my config or what...I get a significant boost, but only to like 480-500 =/ any suggestions on any bit of this? oh and I have a good computer and internet connection. 108 mbps
// generated by quake, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ENTER "messagemode"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind * "+button3"
bind + "sizeup"
bind - "sizedown"
bind / "weapnext"
bind 0 "weapon 10"
bind 1 "weapon 1"
bind 2 "weapon 2"
bind 3 "weapon 3"
bind 4 "weapon 4"
bind 5 "weapon 5"
bind 6 "+scores"
bind 7 "weapon 7"
bind 8 "weapon 8"
bind 9 "weapon 9"
bind = "sizeup"
bind [ "weapprev"
bind \ "+mlook"
bind ] "weapnext"
bind _ "sizedown"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "say_team ^4ENEMY ^4HERE^1!!!"
bind c "+movedown"
bind d "+moveright"
bind k "messagemode4"
bind q "say ^1|^4GOOD^2*^5GAME^1|"
bind s "say_team ^2>^1>^5Melt Clear^1<^2<"
bind t "messagemode3"
bind w "say ^1DO ^5A ^3COCK ^2PUSH^0-^2UP^5!!!"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+left"
bind RIGHTARROW "+right"
bind ALT "+strafe"
bind CTRL "+moveleft"
bind SHIFT "messagemode2"
bind DEL "launchdecoy"
bind PGDN "+lookup"
bind HOME "boots"
bind END "firebomb"
bind F1 "say ^2N^7i^1c^5e ^6S^3h^2o^4t^1!!!"
bind F2 "say_team ^2M^3e^2l^3t ^2P^3l^2e^3a^2s^3e^6!!!"
bind F3 "name ^3[[^6P^7o^1P^4s^3I^4c^5L^2e^3]]"
bind F4 "name ^1*^4T^1o^4T^1@^4L^1*"
bind F5 "name ^3*^2p^7W^2p^3*^2T^7o^2T^7@^2L^3*^2T"
bind F6 "name ^1*^0p^3W^0p^1*^0T^3o^0T^3@^0L^1*^3T"
bind F7 "name ^2*^7p^6W^7p^2*^6T^7o^6T^7@^6L^2*^7T"
bind F8 "name ^3*^2p^0W^2p^3*^2T^0o^2T^0@^2L^3*^2T"
bind F9 "name ^0G^3O^Op^3W^0p^1!!!"
bind F10 "name ^6*^5p^4W^5p^6*^5T^4o^5T^4@^5L^6*^3T"
bind KP_PGUP "+button2"
bind KP_INS "+moveright"
bind KP_PLUS "weapon 1"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
bind MOUSE3 "+zoom"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"
bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"
seta cg_crosshairSize "24"
seta cm_playerCurveClip "1"
seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "0"
seta cg_deferPlayers "1"
seta cg_forceModel "0"
seta cg_teamChatHeight "0"
seta cg_teamChatTime "3000"
seta cg_bobroll "0.002"
seta cg_bobpitch "0.002"
seta cg_bobup "0.005"
seta cg_runroll "0.005"
seta cg_runpitch "0.002"
seta cg_railTrailTime "400"
seta cg_lagometer "1"
seta cg_simpleItems "1"
seta cg_crosshairY "0"
seta cg_crosshairX "0"
seta cg_crosshairHealth "0"
seta cg_drawRewards "1"
seta cg_drawAttacker "1"
seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "1"
seta cg_drawIcons "1"
seta cg_draw3dIcons "1"
seta cg_drawSnapshot "0"
seta cg_drawFPS "1"
seta cg_drawTimer "0"
seta cg_drawStatus "1"
seta cg_draw2D "1"
seta cg_gibs "1"
seta cg_stereoSeparation "0.4"
seta cg_fov "90"
seta cg_zoomfov "22.5"
seta cg_drawGun "1"
seta cg_shadows "0"
seta com_hunkMegs "56"
seta com_maxfps "100"
seta com_blood "0"
seta com_introplayed "1"
seta in_midi "0"
seta in_midiport "1"
seta in_midichannel "1"
seta in_mididevice "0"
seta in_mouse "1"
seta in_joystick "0"
seta in_joyBallScale "0.02"
seta joy_threshold "0.150000"
seta vm_cgame "0"
seta vm_game "0"
seta vm_ui "0"
seta sv_hostname "!FREE!4!ALL!"
seta sv_maxRate "0"
seta sv_minPing "0"
seta sv_maxPing "0"
seta sv_floodProtect "1"
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""
seta cl_yawspeed "140"
seta cl_pitchspeed "140"
seta cl_maxpackets "20"
seta cl_packetdup "1"
seta cl_run "1"
seta sensitivity "8"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
seta cl_freelook "1"
seta cl_allowDownload "1"
seta cg_autoswitch "1"
seta m_pitch "0.022000"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_filter "1"
seta cl_maxPing "800"
seta name "^3[[^6P^7o^1P^4s^3I^4c^5L^2e^3]]"
seta rate "2500"
seta snaps "100"
seta model "xaero/blue"
seta color "7"
seta handicap "100"
seta sex "male"
seta cg_predictItems "1"
seta cg_viewsize "100"
seta net_noudp "0"
seta net_noipx "0"
seta net_socksEnabled "0"
seta net_socksServer ""
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_socksUsername ""
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta r_glDriver "opengl32"
seta r_allowExtensions "1"
seta r_ext_compress_textures "1"
seta r_ext_gamma_control "1"
seta r_ext_multitexture "1"
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1"
seta r_picmip "10"
seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
seta r_detailtextures "1"
seta r_texturebits "0"
seta r_colorbits "0"
seta r_stereo "0"
seta r_stencilbits "0"
seta r_depthbits "0"
seta r_overBrightBits "1"
seta r_ignorehwgamma "0"
seta r_mode "3"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_customwidth "1600"
seta r_customheight "1024"
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_simpleMipMaps "1"
seta r_vertexLight "0"
seta r_subdivisions "4"
seta r_smp "0"
seta r_ignoreFastPath "1"
seta r_lodCurveError "250"
seta r_lodbias "0"
seta r_flares "0"
seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
seta r_fastsky "0"
seta r_drawSun "0"
seta r_dynamiclight "1"
seta r_dlightBacks "1"
seta r_finish "0"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_gamma "1"
seta r_facePlaneCull "1"
seta r_railWidth "16"
seta r_railCoreWidth "6"
seta r_railSegmentLength "32"
seta r_primitives "0"
seta r_lastValidRenderer "Intel 845G"
seta vid_xpos "83"
seta vid_ypos "5"
seta s_volume "0.837500"
seta s_musicvolume "0"
seta s_separation "0.5"
seta s_khz "22"
seta s_compression "0"
seta s_mixahead "0.2"
seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"
seta s_rolloff "1.0"
seta s_doppler "1.0"
seta s_distance "100.0"
seta s_min_distance "3.0"
seta s_max_distance "1000.0"
seta s_leafnum "0"
seta s_refgain "0.45"
seta s_refdelay "2.0"
seta s_polykeep "1000000000"
seta s_polysize "10000000"
seta s_polyreflectsize "10000000"
seta s_numpolys "400"
seta s_bloat "2.0"
seta s_occfactor "0.5"
seta s_occ_eq "0.75"
seta ui_ffa_fraglimit "25"
seta ui_ffa_timelimit "0"
seta ui_tourney_fraglimit "0"
seta ui_tourney_timelimit "15"
seta ui_team_fraglimit "0"
seta ui_team_timelimit "20"
seta ui_team_friendly "1"
seta ui_ctf_capturelimit "8"
seta ui_ctf_timelimit "30"
seta ui_ctf_friendly "0"
seta g_spScores1 ""
seta g_spScores2 ""
seta g_spScores3 ""
seta g_spScores4 ""
seta g_spScores5 ""
seta g_spAwards ""
seta g_spVideos ""
seta g_spSkill "1"
seta ui_browserMaster "2"
seta ui_browserGameType "0"
seta ui_browserSortKey "4"
seta ui_browserShowFull "1"
seta ui_browserShowEmpty "1"
seta cg_brassTime "1250"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "4"
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
seta cg_marks "1"
seta server1 ""
seta server2 ""
seta server3 ""
seta server4 ""
seta server5 ""
seta server6 ""
seta server7 ""
seta server8 ""
seta server9 ""
seta server10 ""
seta server11 ""
seta server12 ""
seta server13 ""
seta server14 ""
seta server15 ""
seta server16 ""
seta cl_timeNudge "0"
seta cg_railTrail "2"
seta cg_trueLightning "0.0"
seta cg_enemyColor "5"
seta cg_teamColor ""
seta cg_enemyModel "keel/nms"
seta cg_specEnemyModel "1"
seta cg_cpmaHud "1"
seta cg_drawAcc "1"
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0"
seta cg_crosshairColor "6"
seta cg_useTeamIcons "1"
seta cg_drawSpeed "1"
seta cg_drawSpeedBar "1"
seta cg_enableBreath "1"
seta cg_scoreboardType "0"
seta cg_autoScreenshot "1"
seta cg_autoRecord "0"
seta cg_thawSoundType "0"
seta cg_iceShells "1"
seta cg_teamInfoType "1"
seta cg_noChatBeep "0"
seta cg_autoAnnounce "0"
seta cg_noFriendShader "0"
seta cg_noConnectionShader "0"
seta cg_chatMode "0"
seta cg_noProjectileTrail "0"
seta cg_scorePlum "1"
seta cg_teamColorWeapons "0"
seta cg_specialEffects "3"


70Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:22 pm



bind w "say ^1DO ^5A ^3COCK ^2PUSH^0-^2UP^5!!!"

Homo Smile


71Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:53 pm


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

cant bet a go eat a bag of dicks lol


72Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:56 pm


Quake III Member
Quake III Member

tas was my old saying soyur not the only one
bind i "say ^4 in da bak naaaa"
bind k "say ^4MeoW"
bind l "say ^9 Do A CocK PuSh Up!"
bind m "say ^7 go eat abag of dicks homie"
bind o "say ^4 go sucka frug nut"
bind p "say ^9 My eye bitch im gonig to kill you"
bind q "say ^4 You got owned by the OverLord LaHarl"


73Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:18 pm



Well then....I'm going to bind a new one that says "~BITCH PLEASE!~"


74Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty MY Q3CONFIG.CFG Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:34 am


I Just got here!

// generated by quake, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ENTER "+button2"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind ' "messagemode2"
bind + "sizeup ,"
bind - "vote yes"
bind . "+zoom"
bind / "+button5"
bind 0 "connect"
bind 1 "vote yes"
bind 2 "name ^3[^9G^3U^9T^3]^9^3T^9H^3E^9^3R^9O^3A^9C^3H^9^3[^9G^3U^9T^3]"
bind 3 "name ^4[^9G^4U^9T^4]^9^4T^9H^4E^9^4R^9O^4A^9C^4H^9^4[^9G^4U^9T^4]"
bind 4 "name ^5[^9G^5U^9T^5]^9^5T^9H^5E^9^5R^9O^5A^9C^5H^9^5[^9G^5U^9T^5]"
bind 5 "name ^%[^9G^%U^9T^%]^9^%T^9H^%E^9^%R^9O^%A^9C^%H^9^%[^9G^%U^9T^%]"
bind 6 "name ^6[^9G^6U^9T^6]^9^6T^9H^6E^9^6R^9O^6A^9C^6H^9^6[^9G^6U^9T^6]"
bind 7 "name ^8[^9G^8U^9T^8]^9^8T^9H^8E^9^8R^9O^8A^9C^8H^9^8[^9G^8U^9T^8]"
bind 8 "name ^1-^5A^gn^(D^!<-^5R^Ga^(z^53^gr"
bind 9 "name ^gimeatingleavemealone!!!"
bind SEMICOLON "say ^!im ^$Going ^*GAUNT^#!!!!!!"
bind = "vote no"
bind L "SAY ^$HaHaHa ^*=)"
bind [ "say IM GOING CRAZY!!!!!!!"
bind \ "+mlook"
bind ] "say IM GOING RAIL!!!!!!!"
bind _ "sizedown"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind b "boots"
bind c "+movedown"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "+zoom"
bind f "firebomb"
bind g "say >>>>=^$GOOD ^#GAME^*=<<<<"
bind h "say hacker"
bind l "say ^$^$HaHaHaHa ^*=)"
bind m "say >>>>=^4NICE ^3SHOT^8=<<<<"
bind n "say >>>>=^1NOOB=<<<<"
bind o "say >>>>=^4OMG=<<<<"
bind q "weapon 1"
bind r "firebomb"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind w "+forward"
bind y "launchdecoy"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind COMMAND "weapnext"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"
bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"
bind ALT "vote yes"
bind CTRL "vote no"
bind SHIFT "firebomb"
bind DEL "+lookdown"
bind PGDN "give speed"
bind PGUP "give quad damage"
bind HOME "give battle suit"
bind END "give invisibility"
bind F1 "name ^8[^9G^8U^9T^8]^9R^8O^9A^8C^9H^8_^9L^8E^9A^8D^9E^8R^9[^8G^9U^8T^9]"
bind F2 "name ^1R^9A^1Z^93^1R"
bind F3 "name ^G*^!King^G*^$Raz3R"
bind F4 "name ^G-^$FF^G-^$R^*A^$Z^*3^$R^1^5{^#Co^!-^#Leader^5}"
bind F6 "name ^(/^5a^G0^(e^5.^GR^(a^5Z^G3^(R"
bind F11 "screenshot"
bind KP_INS "weapon 1"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+button5"
bind MOUSE3 "weapnext"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"
bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"
seta server16 ""
seta server15 ""
seta server14 ""
seta server13 ""
seta server12 ""
seta server11 ""
seta server10 ""
seta server9 ""
seta server8 ""
seta server7 ""
seta server6 ""
seta server5 ""
seta server4 "" HEY ITS UR SERVER!!!
seta server3 ""
seta server2 ""
seta server1 ""
seta cg_marks "1"
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "8"
seta cg_brassTime "1250"
seta ui_master "2"
seta g_spSkill "2"
seta g_spVideos ""
seta g_spAwards "\a0\100\a1\100\a2\100\a3\100\a4\100\a5\100"
seta g_spScores5 ""
seta g_spScores4 ""
seta g_spScores3 ""
seta g_spScores2 ""
seta g_spScores1 ""
seta ui_ctf_friendly "0"
seta ui_ctf_timelimit "30"
seta ui_ctf_capturelimit "8"
seta ui_team_friendly "1"
seta ui_team_timelimit "20"
seta ui_team_fraglimit "0"
seta ui_tourney_timelimit "15"
seta ui_tourney_fraglimit "0"
seta ui_ffa_timelimit "0"
seta ui_ffa_fraglimit "20"
seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"
seta s_mixahead "0.2"
seta s_loadas8bit "0"
seta s_khz "22"
seta s_separation "0.5"
seta s_musicvolume "0.25"
seta s_volume "0.337500"
seta r_ext_transform_hint "1"
seta r_device "0"
seta r_primitives "0"
seta r_railSegmentLength "32"
seta r_railCoreWidth "6"
seta r_railWidth "16"
seta r_facePlaneCull "1"
seta r_gamma "1.793750"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta r_finish "1"
seta r_dlightBacks "1"
seta r_dynamiclight "1"
seta r_drawSun "0"
seta r_fastsky "0"
seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
seta r_flares "0"
seta r_lodbias "0"
seta r_lodCurveError "250"
seta r_ignoreFastPath "1"
seta r_smp "0"
seta r_subdivisions "4"
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seta r_customwidth "1600"
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seta r_mode "4"
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seta r_overBrightBits "1"
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seta r_stencilbits "0"
seta r_stereo "0"
seta r_colorbits "16"
seta r_texturebits "16"
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seta r_picmip "0"
seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1"
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seta r_ext_gamma_control "1"
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seta r_glDriver "opengl32"
seta cg_viewsize "100"
seta cg_predictItems "1"
seta sex "male"
seta handicap "100"
seta color "2"
seta model "sarge/krusade"
seta snaps "20"
seta rate "25000"
seta name "^G*^!King^G*^$Raz3R"
seta cl_maxPing "800"
seta m_filter "0"
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.022000"
seta cg_autoswitch "0"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
seta sensitivity "30"
seta cl_run "1"
seta cl_packetdup "1"
seta cl_maxpackets "30"
seta cl_pitchspeed "140"
seta cl_yawspeed "140"
seta cl_cdkey "123456789"
seta sv_master5 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_floodProtect "1"
seta sv_maxRate "0"
seta sv_hostname "@GUT@CLAN@SERVER@"
seta vm_ui "0"
seta vm_game "0"
seta vm_cgame "0"
seta in_macMouseDivider "163"
seta com_introplayed "1"
seta com_blood "1"
seta com_maxfps "45"
seta cg_shadows "1"
seta cg_forcemodel "1"
seta cg_drawGun "1"
seta cg_zoomfov "22.5"
seta cg_fov "135"
seta cg_stereoSeparation "0.4"
seta cg_gibs "1"
seta cg_draw2D "1"
seta cg_drawStatus "1"
seta cg_drawTimer "0"
seta cg_drawFPS "0"
seta cg_drawSnapshot "0"
seta cg_draw3dIcons "1"
seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "1"
seta cg_drawAttacker "1"
seta cg_drawRewards "1"
seta cg_crosshairSize "20"
seta cg_crosshairHealth "1"
seta cg_crosshairX "0"
seta cg_crosshairY "0"
seta cg_simpleItems "0"
seta cg_lagometer "1"
seta cg_railTrailTime "999999"
seta cg_runpitch "0.002"
seta cg_runroll "0.005"
seta cg_bobup "0.005"
seta cg_bobpitch "0.002"
seta cg_bobroll "0.002"
seta cg_teamChatTime "3000"
seta cg_teamChatHeight "8"
seta cg_deferPlayers "1"
seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "0"
seta cm_playerCurveClip "1"
seta dmflags "0"
seta fraglimit "500"
seta timelimit "0"
seta sv_maxclients "32"
seta g_maxGameClients "0"
seta capturelimit "8"
seta g_friendlyFire "1"
seta g_warmup "20"
seta g_log "games.log"
seta g_logSync "0"
seta com_hunkMegs "56"

Ignore the multi-clanning lol!


75Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:43 pm


Quake Live Member
Quake Live Member

Here's your config with my changes, if you don't like em save your current one as a backup - most changes were connection settings you should have way higher since you have a good computer/connection Cool

ToT@L wrote:heres my config, hopefully it's not as f'ed up as i think. For some reason i can't strafe jump well, i dunno if its my config or what...I get a significant boost, but only to like 480-500 =/ any suggestions on any bit of this? oh and I have a good computer and internet connection. 108 mbps
// generated by quake, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ENTER "messagemode"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind * "+button3"
bind + "sizeup"
bind - "sizedown"
bind / "weapnext"
bind 0 "weapon 10"
bind 1 "weapon 1"
bind 2 "weapon 2"
bind 3 "weapon 3"
bind 4 "weapon 4"
bind 5 "weapon 5"
bind 6 "+scores"
bind 7 "weapon 7"
bind 8 "weapon 8"
bind 9 "weapon 9"
bind = "sizeup"
bind [ "weapprev"
bind \ "+mlook"
bind ] "weapnext"
bind _ "sizedown"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "say_team ^4ENEMY ^4HERE^1!!!"
bind c "+movedown"
bind d "+moveright"
bind k "messagemode4"
bind q "say ^1|^4GOOD^2*^5GAME^1|"
bind s "say_team ^2>^1>^5Melt Clear^1<^2<"
bind t "messagemode3"
bind w "say ^1DO ^5A ^3COCK ^2PUSH^0-^2UP^5!!!"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+left"
bind RIGHTARROW "+right"
bind ALT "+strafe"
bind CTRL "+moveleft"
bind SHIFT "messagemode2"
bind DEL "launchdecoy"
bind PGDN "+lookup"
bind HOME "boots"
bind END "firebomb"
bind F1 "say ^2N^7i^1c^5e ^6S^3h^2o^4t^1!!!"
bind F2 "say_team ^2M^3e^2l^3t ^2P^3l^2e^3a^2s^3e^6!!!"
bind F3 "name ^3[[^6P^7o^1P^4s^3I^4c^5L^2e^3]]"
bind F4 "name ^1*^4T^1o^4T^1@^4L^1*"
bind F5 "name ^3*^2p^7W^2p^3*^2T^7o^2T^7@^2L^3*^2T"
bind F6 "name ^1*^0p^3W^0p^1*^0T^3o^0T^3@^0L^1*^3T"
bind F7 "name ^2*^7p^6W^7p^2*^6T^7o^6T^7@^6L^2*^7T"
bind F8 "name ^3*^2p^0W^2p^3*^2T^0o^2T^0@^2L^3*^2T"
bind F9 "name ^0G^3O^Op^3W^0p^1!!!"
bind F10 "name ^6*^5p^4W^5p^6*^5T^4o^5T^4@^5L^6*^3T"
bind KP_PGUP "+button2"
bind KP_INS "+moveright"
bind KP_PLUS "weapon 1"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
bind MOUSE3 "+zoom"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"
bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"
seta cg_crosshairSize "24"
seta cm_playerCurveClip "1"
seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "0"
seta cg_deferPlayers "1"
seta cg_forceModel "0"
seta cg_teamChatHeight "0"
seta cg_teamChatTime "3000"
seta cg_bobroll "0.002"
seta cg_bobpitch "0.002"
seta cg_bobup "0.005"
seta cg_runroll "0.005"
seta cg_runpitch "0.002"
seta cg_railTrailTime "400"
seta cg_lagometer "1"
seta cg_simpleItems "1"
seta cg_crosshairY "0"
seta cg_crosshairX "0"
seta cg_crosshairHealth "0"
seta cg_drawRewards "1"
seta cg_drawAttacker "1"
seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "1"
seta cg_drawIcons "1"
seta cg_draw3dIcons "1"
seta cg_drawSnapshot "0"
seta cg_drawFPS "1"
seta cg_drawTimer "0"
seta cg_drawStatus "1"
seta cg_draw2D "1"
seta cg_gibs "1"
seta cg_stereoSeparation "0.4"
seta cg_fov "90"
seta cg_zoomfov "22.5"
seta cg_drawGun "1"
seta cg_shadows "0"
seta com_hunkMegs "56"
seta com_maxfps "125"
seta com_blood "0"
seta com_introplayed "1"
seta in_midi "0"
seta in_midiport "1"
seta in_midichannel "1"
seta in_mididevice "0"
seta in_mouse "1"
seta in_joystick "0"
seta in_joyBallScale "0.02"
seta joy_threshold "0.150000"
seta vm_cgame "0"
seta vm_game "0"
seta vm_ui "0"
seta sv_hostname "!FREE!4!ALL!"
seta sv_maxRate "0"
seta sv_minPing "0"
seta sv_maxPing "0"
seta sv_floodProtect "1"
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""
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seta cl_pitchspeed "140"
seta cl_maxpackets "100"
seta cl_packetdup "1"
seta cl_run "1"
seta sensitivity "8"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
seta cl_freelook "1"
seta cl_allowDownload "1"
seta cg_autoswitch "1"
seta m_pitch "0.022000"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_filter "1"
seta cl_maxPing "800"
seta name "^3[[^6P^7o^1P^4s^3I^4c^5L^2e^3]]"
seta rate "2500"
seta snaps "100"
seta model "xaero/blue"
seta color "7"
seta handicap "100"
seta sex "male"
seta cg_predictItems "1"
seta cg_viewsize "100"
seta net_noudp "0"
seta net_noipx "0"
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seta net_socksServer ""
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seta net_socksUsername ""
seta net_socksPassword ""
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seta r_allowExtensions "1"
seta r_ext_compress_textures "1"
seta r_ext_gamma_control "1"
seta r_ext_multitexture "1"
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seta r_picmip "10"
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seta r_depthbits "0"
seta r_intensity "2"
seta r_mapoverBrightBits "1"
seta r_overBrightBits "1"
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seta r_lodbias "0"
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seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
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seta r_dynamiclight "1"
seta r_dlightBacks "1"
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seta r_swapInterval "0"
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seta r_railSegmentLength "32"
seta r_primitives "0"
seta r_lastValidRenderer "Intel 845G"
seta vid_xpos "83"
seta vid_ypos "5"
seta s_volume "0.837500"
seta s_musicvolume "0"
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seta s_doppler "1.0"
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seta s_max_distance "1000.0"
seta s_leafnum "0"
seta s_refgain "0.45"
seta s_refdelay "2.0"
seta s_polykeep "1000000000"
seta s_polysize "10000000"
seta s_polyreflectsize "10000000"
seta s_numpolys "400"
seta s_bloat "2.0"
seta s_occfactor "0.5"
seta s_occ_eq "0.75"
seta ui_ffa_fraglimit "25"
seta ui_ffa_timelimit "0"
seta ui_tourney_fraglimit "0"
seta ui_tourney_timelimit "15"
seta ui_team_fraglimit "0"
seta ui_team_timelimit "20"
seta ui_team_friendly "1"
seta ui_ctf_capturelimit "8"
seta ui_ctf_timelimit "30"
seta ui_ctf_friendly "0"
seta g_spScores1 ""
seta g_spScores2 ""
seta g_spScores3 ""
seta g_spScores4 ""
seta g_spScores5 ""
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seta ui_browserShowFull "1"
seta ui_browserShowEmpty "1"
seta cg_brassTime "1250"
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seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
seta cg_marks "1"
seta server1 ""
seta server2 ""
seta server3 ""
seta server4 ""
seta server5 ""
seta server6 ""
seta server7 ""
seta server8 ""
seta server9 ""
seta server10 ""
seta server11 ""
seta server12 ""
seta server13 ""
seta server14 ""
seta server15 ""
seta server16 ""
seta cl_timeNudge "0"
seta cg_railTrail "2"
seta cg_trueLightning "0.0"
seta cg_enemyColor "5"
seta cg_teamColor ""
seta cg_enemyModel "keel/nms"
seta cg_specEnemyModel "1"
seta cg_cpmaHud "1"
seta cg_drawAcc "1"
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0"
seta cg_crosshairColor "6"
seta cg_useTeamIcons "1"
seta cg_drawSpeed "1"
seta cg_drawSpeedBar "1"
seta cg_enableBreath "1"
seta cg_scoreboardType "0"
seta cg_autoScreenshot "1"
seta cg_autoRecord "0"
seta cg_thawSoundType "0"
seta cg_iceShells "1"
seta cg_teamInfoType "1"
seta cg_noChatBeep "0"
seta cg_autoAnnounce "0"
seta cg_noFriendShader "0"
seta cg_noConnectionShader "0"
seta cg_chatMode "0"
seta cg_noProjectileTrail "0"
seta cg_scorePlum "1"
seta cg_teamColorWeapons "0"
seta cg_specialEffects "3"

76Post Your Config Here! - Page 3 Empty Re: Post Your Config Here! Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:46 pm


Quake Live Member
Quake Live Member


same deal, save your current config and put it somewhere before trying my version..

are your com_maxfps 45 cuz your computer sucks? if not, try 125

Raz3R wrote:// generated by quake, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ENTER "+button2"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind ' "messagemode2"
bind + "sizeup ,"
bind - "vote yes"
bind . "+zoom"
bind / "+button5"
bind 0 "connect"
bind 1 "vote yes"
bind 2 "name ^3[^9G^3U^9T^3]^9^3T^9H^3E^9^3R^9O^3A^9C^3H^9^3[^9G^3U^9T^3]"
bind 3 "name ^4[^9G^4U^9T^4]^9^4T^9H^4E^9^4R^9O^4A^9C^4H^9^4[^9G^4U^9T^4]"
bind 4 "name ^5[^9G^5U^9T^5]^9^5T^9H^5E^9^5R^9O^5A^9C^5H^9^5[^9G^5U^9T^5]"
bind 5 "name ^%[^9G^%U^9T^%]^9^%T^9H^%E^9^%R^9O^%A^9C^%H^9^%[^9G^%U^9T^%]"
bind 6 "name ^6[^9G^6U^9T^6]^9^6T^9H^6E^9^6R^9O^6A^9C^6H^9^6[^9G^6U^9T^6]"
bind 7 "name ^8[^9G^8U^9T^8]^9^8T^9H^8E^9^8R^9O^8A^9C^8H^9^8[^9G^8U^9T^8]"
bind 8 "name ^1-^5A^gn^(D^!<-^5R^Ga^(z^53^gr"
bind 9 "name ^gimeatingleavemealone!!!"
bind SEMICOLON "say ^!im ^$Going ^*GAUNT^#!!!!!!"
bind = "vote no"
bind L "SAY ^$HaHaHa ^*=)"
bind [ "say IM GOING CRAZY!!!!!!!"
bind \ "+mlook"
bind ] "say IM GOING RAIL!!!!!!!"
bind _ "sizedown"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind b "boots"
bind c "+movedown"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "+zoom"
bind f "firebomb"
bind g "say >>>>=^$GOOD ^#GAME^*=<<<<"
bind h "say hacker"
bind l "say ^$^$HaHaHaHa ^*=)"
bind m "say >>>>=^4NICE ^3SHOT^8=<<<<"
bind n "say >>>>=^1NOOB=<<<<"
bind o "say >>>>=^4OMG=<<<<"
bind q "weapon 1"
bind r "firebomb"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind w "+forward"
bind y "launchdecoy"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind COMMAND "weapnext"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"
bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"
bind ALT "vote yes"
bind CTRL "vote no"
bind SHIFT "firebomb"
bind DEL "+lookdown"
bind PGDN "give speed"
bind PGUP "give quad damage"
bind HOME "give battle suit"
bind END "give invisibility"
bind F1 "name ^8[^9G^8U^9T^8]^9R^8O^9A^8C^9H^8_^9L^8E^9A^8D^9E^8R^9[^8G^9U^8T^9]"
bind F2 "name ^1R^9A^1Z^93^1R"
bind F3 "name ^G*^!King^G*^$Raz3R"
bind F4 "name ^G-^$FF^G-^$R^*A^$Z^*3^$R^1^5{^#Co^!-^#Leader^5}"
bind F6 "name ^(/^5a^G0^(e^5.^GR^(a^5Z^G3^(R"
bind F11 "screenshot"
bind KP_INS "weapon 1"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+button5"
bind MOUSE3 "weapnext"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"
bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"
seta server16 ""
seta server15 ""
seta server14 ""
seta server13 ""
seta server12 ""
seta server11 ""
seta server10 ""
seta server9 ""
seta server8 ""
seta server7 ""
seta server6 ""
seta server5 ""
seta server4 "" HEY ITS UR SERVER!!!
seta server3 ""
seta server2 ""
seta server1 ""
seta cg_marks "1"
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "8"
seta cg_brassTime "1250"
seta ui_master "2"
seta g_spSkill "2"
seta g_spVideos ""
seta g_spAwards "\a0\100\a1\100\a2\100\a3\100\a4\100\a5\100"
seta g_spScores5 ""
seta g_spScores4 ""
seta g_spScores3 ""
seta g_spScores2 ""
seta g_spScores1 ""
seta ui_ctf_friendly "0"
seta ui_ctf_timelimit "30"
seta ui_ctf_capturelimit "8"
seta ui_team_friendly "1"
seta ui_team_timelimit "20"
seta ui_team_fraglimit "0"
seta ui_tourney_timelimit "15"
seta ui_tourney_fraglimit "0"
seta ui_ffa_timelimit "0"
seta ui_ffa_fraglimit "20"
seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"
seta s_mixahead "0.2"
seta s_loadas8bit "0"
seta s_khz "22"
seta s_separation "0.5"
seta s_musicvolume "0.25"
seta s_volume "0.337500"
seta r_ext_transform_hint "1"
seta r_device "0"
seta r_primitives "0"
seta r_railSegmentLength "32"
seta r_railCoreWidth "6"
seta r_railWidth "16"
seta r_facePlaneCull "1"
seta r_gamma "1"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta r_finish "1"
seta r_dlightBacks "1"
seta r_dynamiclight "1"
seta r_drawSun "0"
seta r_fastsky "0"
seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
seta r_flares "0"
seta r_lodbias "0"
seta r_lodCurveError "250"
seta r_ignoreFastPath "1"
seta r_smp "0"
seta r_subdivisions "4"
seta r_vertexLight "1"
seta r_simpleMipMaps "1"
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_customheight "1024"
seta r_customwidth "1600"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_mode "4"
seta r_ignorehwgamma "0"
seta r_intensity "2.5"
seta r_mapoverBrightBits "1"
seta r_overBrightBits "1"
seta r_depthbits "16"
seta r_stencilbits "0"
seta r_stereo "0"
seta r_colorbits "16"
seta r_texturebits "16"
seta r_detailtextures "1"
seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
seta r_picmip "0"
seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1"
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
seta r_ext_multitexture "1"
seta r_ext_gamma_control "1"
seta r_ext_compress_textures "1"
seta r_allowExtensions "1"
seta r_glDriver "opengl32"
seta cg_viewsize "100"
seta cg_predictItems "1"
seta sex "male"
seta handicap "100"
seta color "2"
seta model "sarge/krusade"
seta snaps "40"
seta rate "25000"
seta name "^G*^!King^G*^$Raz3R"
seta cl_maxPing "800"
seta m_filter "0"
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.022000"
seta cg_autoswitch "0"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
seta sensitivity "30"
seta cl_run "1"
seta cl_packetdup "1"
seta cl_maxpackets "100"
seta cl_pitchspeed "140"
seta cl_yawspeed "140"
seta cl_cdkey "123456789"
seta sv_master5 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_floodProtect "1"
seta sv_maxRate "0"
seta sv_hostname "@GUT@CLAN@SERVER@"
seta vm_ui "0"
seta vm_game "0"
seta vm_cgame "0"
seta in_macMouseDivider "163"
seta com_introplayed "1"
seta com_blood "1"
seta com_maxfps "45"
seta cg_shadows "1"
seta cg_forcemodel "1"
seta cg_drawGun "1"
seta cg_zoomfov "22.5"
seta cg_fov "135"
seta cg_stereoSeparation "0.4"
seta cg_gibs "1"
seta cg_draw2D "1"
seta cg_drawStatus "1"
seta cg_drawTimer "0"
seta cg_drawFPS "0"
seta cg_drawSnapshot "0"
seta cg_draw3dIcons "1"
seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "1"
seta cg_drawAttacker "1"
seta cg_drawRewards "1"
seta cg_crosshairSize "20"
seta cg_crosshairHealth "1"
seta cg_crosshairX "0"
seta cg_crosshairY "0"
seta cg_simpleItems "0"
seta cg_lagometer "1"
seta cg_railTrailTime "999999"
seta cg_runpitch "0.002"
seta cg_runroll "0.005"
seta cg_bobup "0.005"
seta cg_bobpitch "0.002"
seta cg_bobroll "0.002"
seta cg_teamChatTime "3000"
seta cg_teamChatHeight "8"
seta cg_deferPlayers "1"
seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "0"
seta cm_playerCurveClip "1"
seta dmflags "0"
seta fraglimit "500"
seta timelimit "0"
seta sv_maxclients "32"
seta g_maxGameClients "0"
seta capturelimit "8"
seta g_friendlyFire "1"
seta g_warmup "20"
seta g_log "games.log"
seta g_logSync "0"
seta com_hunkMegs "56"

Ignore the multi-clanning lol!

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